“I did not know what to expect when I first went to Julie who was recommended to me by a friend but I immediately felt at ease like she was an old friend. Her gentleness invites a warm and safe space for healing. One of the things I appreciated most is that Julie starts off saying she has no agenda how things will go and that alone takes a lot of pressure off what I think I need verses how my body responds. Julie is an active listener, highly intuitive facilitator that works without ego. I would recommend her to anyone interested in a deeper understanding of themselves.”
“Hi Julie,
Beautiful session, thank you! You are always right on, on every formula. I love the narrative you are always able to provide with each balancing. It helps me integrate the information into what I am experiencing. I loved on active memory how you said, “find an affirmation to reframe.” That’s powerful. Such perfect reminders. Your sessions are like a good friend, holding my hand while I look in the mirror and see the truth of what’s happening and where I can help myself. I feel a lightness I haven’t felt in awhile and feel much clearer about some choices I need to make. Thank you, friend. Your confidence and intuition is a gift to me.”
“Julie is the absolute best, she helped me massively during a time in my life I needed to make changes. I recommend her highly!! Her coaching program was blended with energy work and I looked forward to every session, it was transformational. It was life changing - I would do it again !!”
“I have worked with Julie numerous times over a decade or two, mostly in Body Talk sessions. This non-invasive process is the best I have experienced when I needed clarity to move forward in life. The results are palpable, immediate, and long-lasting, in my experience. Whatever issues arose in the session were addressed, released and never to return, allowing extraordinary strides forward in my personal growth journey. You have to try it to truly understand!”
About Body-Centered Wisdom
Are you ready to experience a sense of fulfillment and freedom in your life?
Body-Centered Wisdom means consciously listening to cues from the physical body to guide us toward optimal health and well-being. The body can hold what is unconscious—Julie’s perspective is that the body holds things in “safekeeping”until we are ready to address past experiences and imprinting that can prevent us from moving forward. When things seem fast-paced and stressful, hearing that guidance clearly can feel challenging. It often requires patience, practice, quiet and slowing down--seeming luxuries in this day and age. It requires a willingness to attend to ourselves, and sometimes it requires a facilitator to assist the process. There are many methods that are valuable, e.g., meditation, psychotherapy, etc. Four practices that have been truly life-changing and powerful for Julie are Life Coaching, the BodyTalk™ System, Red Hat Lineage Qigong and Soul Motion®.
Life Coaching is a powerful way to access and work with the unconscious (those thoughts, beliefs and perceptions below surface awareness) that often unknowingly drive us and thus, limit our experience of well-being. One of Julie’s favorite quotes from USM grad school is “the mind is a tool to be used in service to the heart.” With Life Coaching we learn to use our minds to empower ourselves to create the life we desire in alignment with our hearts—our truest values and our vision for our lives. Working from the inside-out, we use various approaches to facilitate awareness, acceptance and then taking action to move toward our goals. Coaching is the perfect complement to Julie’s other offerings for those who wish to deepen their personal growth experience personally and professionally. Coaching sessions are conducted over Zoom, generally one 60-minute session per week or three 90-minute sessions per month for 6-12 weeks with e-mail support available between sessions.
BodyTalk™ is a gentle energy therapy technique wherein a practitioner uses neuromuscular biofeedback to access the innate intelligence of the client’s body/mind and follows the direction the body/mind provides to restore balance and communication. The body/mind brings whatever needs attention in the present moment to conscious awareness so it can be addressed. Learn more about BodyTalk™ here.
Once you schedule a distance BodyTalk™ session, Julie uses a specific meditation and tunes into your field, “listening deeply.” She conducts your session while in that state of meditation. She pictures you on her table, in her space, as though you are in her office. She uses herself as a surrogate and a way she has developed to affirm a “yes” or “no” as she moves through the BodyTalk™ exploratory chart, listening to your body/mind. She takes notes as she is working and from those, she is prepared to then meet with you via FaceTime, Zoom, etc. to walk you through the entire session. This still feels like a “face-to-face” meeting, though from any location. It is highly effective.
Red Hat Lineage Qigong (“qi” is pronounced “chee.”) is an ancient practice. It is a gentle, yet powerful system for clearing energetic blocks from our whole being. Most are familiar with feeling “stuck” and unable to shift, whether that feeling is experienced in our physical body, emotions, or not being able to move forward in career, relationships, etc. Red Hat Qigong is a subtle technique with often profound consequences. It is deeply relaxing and restorative and especially effective in calming the “monkey mind.”
Soul Motion® is a conscious dance practice that likewise focuses on awareness in the present moment. Where is there tension or discomfort in the body? What wants to move? What wants to express? Rather than following pre-determined dance steps we pause, listen and allow. “What happens in the dance room is a template for the everyday dance in the living world. We move out from the dance room, sensing our environment more clearly, communicating with others with enhanced perception, and relaxing more readily with the challenges and obstacles that may dance before us.” Learn more about Soul Motion® here.
Discover the integrated intelligence of your body, mind and spirit and experience the healing power of your own body-centered wisdom. If you want to live your life with clarity, compassion and courage, schedule a session with Julie today.