Hello and welcome to 2024! I hope this finds you healthy and happy.
I am now certified as a transformational life coach through the Institute of Coaching Mastery after completing a year-long training. (I became certified as a Jungian coach in 2021.)
It has been my honor and joy over the last fifteen + years to support others in one-on-one sessions to heal and grow through different energy therapy modalities (BodyTalk and Red Hat Lineage Qigong).
I describe my work as evoking clarity, compassion and courage—clarity by bringing unconscious thoughts, beliefs and emotions to conscious awareness, then gently guiding my clients to offer compassion to themselves for those patterns and to access the courage to move forward toward more freedom, creativity and joy.
It is now understood that at best, only 20% of what drives and motivates us is in our conscious awareness. The remaining 80% resides in the unconscious which can be held in the body.
My past work has helped facilitate the process of uncovering what is held in the unconscious by tapping into the innate wisdom that each of us possess. Most of us have blocks or blindspots that prevent us from moving forward on our own. The process utilizes an interface between a client and practitioner's intuitive sense of knowing--deep presence and listening. Countless times over the years I've heard clients express that they knew "something" was there, they just couldn't see it.
(To get more of a feel for me and my work and to read testimonials, feel free to explore this website: www.juliegentry.com.)
As my work—and you and I—have evolved over the years, adding transformational life coaching to my services seems a natural progression.
This coaching process is completely aligned with my previous (and current) work and takes it a step further, providing the tools for individuals to access their own wisdom to free themselves from their past patterns and limiting beliefs, experience the present with more awareness and to consciously create their futures.
From my view, it is much more empowering work because the client is in the driver's seat and fully responsible for their own growth and change. It reminds me of the proverb (paraphrasing) “If you give a [person] a fish, you feed [them] for a day. If you teach a [person] to fish, you feed [them] for a lifetime.”
The Coaching Mastery Method emphasizes awareness, acceptance and aligned action. (Taking consistent action steps that are aligned with one's values is what moves the needle.) There are many, many coaches out there and many different approaches. For me, this method is applicable to both personal and professional goals and is more comprehensive and holistic because we work not only on conscious goals, but include the innate wisdom in and information provided by one's body, emotions, thoughts/mind-set, behaviors and accessing all that rich unconscious material.
Coaching entails several sessions over a period of time (my minimum package length is six weeks and optimally three months or longer) to truly integrate and create lasting, sustainable change. After package completion, I offer once monthly sessions as "maintenance." Receiving coaching from my peers over the course of 2023 has literally been life-changing for me.
I tell my clients that I have either seen it, done it or heard it so no judgments! I have lived a full human life with many chapters, challenges, planned and unexpected changes and lots and lots of learning (always and ongoing). Whether through energy work or coaching, I see you in your wholeness and meet you right where you are with presence, patience, compassion, a bit of levity at times, acceptance and a sincere intention to serve your highest good.
My truest desire is to support my clients (and myself) to become healthier, happier empowered humans at work, in relationships and in life and to have tools and practices to use and share so that the ripple effect creates a healthier, happier world.
If you or someone you know could benefit from my services and are interested in working with me, please reach out and feel free to forward this post. I have contact forms on the contact page on this website. I'm opening my schedule now for new clients beginning the week of March 18, 2024. Once full, you’re welcome to join the wait-list for packages beginning in June 2024.
Also, If you'd like to receive occasional emails or newsletters from me (no more than once per month), please sign up on the contact page on this website. I intend to resume sharing my musings in the near future and I will be updating my website soon. Of course, I will never share or sell your information and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Thank you for your time and interest. I deeply appreciate you.